The story focuses on Aman Sharma a.k.a. Banku (Aman Siddiqui), who has recently shifted into an old bungalow in Goa, with his parents, Aditya (Shahrukh Khan) and Anjali (Juhi Chawla). His father Aditya is an engineer on a cruise line, and therefore moves with his cruise. They are made aware that the bungalow is haunted, but they disregard this. Banku is enrolled in St. Francis High School, and Anjali hires a kindhearted and comedic drunken thief, Anthony (Rajpal Yadav), as a servant to clean the house. Shortly thereafter, Banku starts getting in trouble in school, and is reprimanded by Principal J.J. Irani (Satish Shah). To make matters worse, he also starts making up stories of a new friend called 'Bhoothnath'. Anjali disregards this, but during a stage performance, a local resident tells her that Banku is mimicking the former owner of Nath Villa. Anjali soon finds out that the bungalow is indeed haunted by its former owner - Kailash Nath (Amitabh Bachchan) - who is shortly known as "Bhoothnath", and has befriended Banku. Bhoothnath will not permit them to vacate the house under any circumstances. When Aditya finds out, he rushes back home, and hires a death ceremony for Bhoothnath's salvation, and asks Bhoothnath's son Vijay Nath (Priyanshu Chatterjee), to attend. Banku has grown very close to Bhoothnath and is heartbroken when Bhoothnath disappears after the salvation. On his way to school, Banku happily finds that Bhoothnath has returned, having decided that he will never leave Banku again.
Amitabh Bachchan as Kailash Nath (Bhoothnath)
Aman Siddiqui as Aman (Banku)
Juhi Chawla as Anjali
Shahrukh Khan as Aditya Sharma
Priyanshu Chatterjee as Vijay Nath
Rajpal Yadav as Anthony
Neena Kulkarni as Mrs. Nath
Satish Shah as Principal J.J. Irani
Delnaaz Paul as Mrs. Jojo
Nauheed Cyrusi as Tina (Special Appearance)
Aashish Chaudhary as Rohan (Special Appearance)
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